onsdag 30. juli 2008

Flogging Molly

I seriously don't know what I would've done without Flogging Molly. I love these seven musicians. their songs are both cheerful and sad. if you want to be happy, they make you happy, if you want to be a bit sad, they make you sad. They're perfect in every situation. So, seek up some songs and start listening!!

søndag 27. juli 2008


So basically this LAN is gonna last till tomorrow sometime^^ and I don't play video games. so it might, just might, become a little bit boring^^ 'cause it's only so much you can do on the internet really. after two nights I think I'll have puched it to the boundries. but here's where youtube comes in^^ And a bloke named Bill Bailey^^ this fantastic british comedian has entertained me for more than two hours^^ thank you, Bill Bailey!!:D
now. as it is normal curtesy to sleep when the clock has passed 3 am, I'll leave it with this^^ have a splendid night^^

lørdag 26. juli 2008


Jess, da e d lørdag å helhælgslan^^ har såve masse allerede dessværre. enn å kast bort dyrebar ti på å såv? Bah, Humbug :P har nættopp vært på butikken å kjøpt nye rasjona å e klar fårr ei ny natt^^