torsdag 9. oktober 2008

This is England

Well... after... let's see...5 and a half week here, I'm getting used to the language and differences between Norway and England. Going over here I was really nervous about the left side-stuff, but that was surprisingly easy. My school is really nice, apart from some people of course, and I'm really happy here. My family, consisting of Alison, Darryl, Ellen, Jess, Polly and Scruff (last one a dog) is the most friendly bunch of people I have EVER met^^ I've felt at home since day one:)
Starting to miss people a little bit though. But give it two weeks and I'll be popping up when you least expect it in Norway^^

2 kommentarer:

cslet sa...

Well, except that we R expecting it :P Hohoho^^

The Appletosser sa...

hoho! d ska du itj vær så sikker på!!:p