søndag 30. november 2008

1. sunday of Advent

Today it's the first sunday in Advent (or whatever it's called in English)
And now we're closing in on Christmas! today it's 25 days left and I'll have to add another count down on the bottom of this post:p I really can't wait 'til Christmas!! I've added a Christmas photo too:p I'm sorry that it's not a cozy one, but this is tradition, damn it! I've used this photo every Christmas for the las two or three years:p I love it:p
Yesterday I went shopping. Not any kind of shopping; Christmas-shopping. Or that was the intention:p Me and Eli ended up eating food and shopping mostly for ourselves:p Of course we got some presents, but I'll have to go back and shop more this week:p
What I've discovered, to my horror, is that there is no christmas calendar on the tv here:s Lucky for me, I forsaw this, and got "the Julekalender":p I can't wait to watch the first episode tomorrow!! I was really close to breaking down and watching it yesterday, but I pulled myself together and stayed strong!
Now there is only three weeks left before the holidays, but lucky me, have to catch my plane the day before and will miss both of the days. AND if that wasn't enough! My brother is coming over from Norway and we're going to Belfast the sunday before and we'll stay there 'til tuesday! that means I'll only be at school that wednesday, and wednesday is my short day!! HAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! CAN'T WAIT!!:p

18 days left!

25 days left!!

torsdag 27. november 2008


Yesterday my English class went to London, myself included:p We went to the most boring conference I've ever been to, with the most boring people I've ever heard. They tortured us for four hours befor miss Johnson and mrs Gwillim let us run free in London. We got to travel on the underground in the rush time, shop in oxford street and look at the funny cabs (one of them had cow pattern on:D). I got a really cool jacket with zippers with skeleton-stuff in:D it cost 50 pounds, but it's definitely worth it! I got two pairs of really cool socks, a book and two t-shirts^^ Day well spent, in other words:p Can't wait till I'm going back to London in January^^

21 days left!

søndag 9. november 2008

Back in England

Well... then I'm back in England, land of the egg and bacon. I'm pretty happy here, but DAMN how I miss Norway! I'm really looking forward to Christmas and can't wait to see my friends, family and dog:p
Now I'm sitting in my room, chillin'. I've just taken a shower to get the horse-smell off me. I've worked in the stable all morning (and yesterday morning) and I feel pretty beaten up:p Yesterday I even got to ride one of the horses. His name's Frank and he's HUGE!! He's also very strong and quite lively. Deckie, the horse Fleur rode, was trotting almost all the time, and mostly sideways, so I guess I can't complain. I got a few metres of canter because Frank thought trotting was boring and I can't say I didn't enjoy it without lying^^
Talk to you later!!

39 days left;)