mandag 1. desember 2008

1.desember (2):p

D e bærre lækkert^^
Then it's time for the post-The Julekalender post:p I doubt that this will end up as long as the last one, but we'll see:p I just have to say that last post is probably the longest I've ever written. It was ridiculously long! so I'll do my best to make this one shorter!:p Because it's a good few years since The Julekalender was on TV last time, I can't remember anything from it. That doesn't bother me at all:p Everything is new, exciting and FUNNY!!! I love it!! I just have to say that if the afterlife is real, somebody have to pack a dvd with The Julekalender when I die:p and when I come to think about it... pack down a dvd with Askepott too! and some melkesjokolade:p and if they don't have those where I'm going; a TV, some power and a dvd-player:p
Since I really want a cup of tea right now, this will have to do:p
and I'm REALLY, REALLY sorry I misspelled Nåså in the last post, but that's what happen when you use Wikipedia to refresh your memory:p

17 days left

24 days left


Yes, then we have finally entered the last month of the year, I'm already acting like a child, looking forwards to Christmas Eve with the eagerness of a tipsy squirrel. My santa hat has been put on my head and my signature on my mails have changed.
Today I will have to posts, on pre- and one post The Julekalender:p This is, as I hope you are able to guess or at least count using your countingabilities, calculator or fingers, is pre-The Julekalender. This is the post where I am tormenting myself into leaving The Julekalender-folder unopened. And this is true pain, I tell you:p
Even though EVERYBODY should know this, unless you're teit and not Norwegian, this is a TV Christmas Calender. There is one episode every day from the first of Desember 'til the twenty fourth. The Julekalender contains the Travellin' Strawberries playing three nisser, a man, a weird thing and a lady. they're sent out by the chief nisse, Gammel Nok, to get the only key to the playdåse that keeps him alive. They're sent to Trøndelag where they live in a cave and have to watch out for the evil Nåsså, who moves in with a potato farmer called Olav Sand and his wife, Gjertrud. In addition to Tore Johansen (Gjertrud Sand and Hansi), Ivar Gatseth (Olaf Sand and Gynter) and Erling Mylius (Benny Jensen and Fritz), there are three more actors involved in the Norwegian prduction. Arve Opsahl is Gammel Nok, Lasse Kolstad is the Narrator and Hans-Gunnar Skarstein is the newsreader.
The Norwegian version is as good as a complete copy of the Danish version made by De Nattergale. The biggest difference is the language. In the Julekalender (by the Travellin' Strawberries) the Language between the potato farmer and his wife is trøndersk. Between the nisser, it is Norwenglish (or Norsk-English, if that's easier to understand:p). This language is hard to believe for those who do not understand Norwegian and English:p Full understanding of the languages is not needed as it is a mixture between the two, but you should posses a pretty good knowledge and vocabulary.
Weeeeell... there I've knocked about half an hour down just writing this and now I'm going to find a picture to add with this post... there we are... now I have to add it... There... we... are... And now I just have to wait a bit longer before I watch the first episode... GAH!! I HATE WAITING!!!

17 days left

24 days left

søndag 30. november 2008

1. sunday of Advent

Today it's the first sunday in Advent (or whatever it's called in English)
And now we're closing in on Christmas! today it's 25 days left and I'll have to add another count down on the bottom of this post:p I really can't wait 'til Christmas!! I've added a Christmas photo too:p I'm sorry that it's not a cozy one, but this is tradition, damn it! I've used this photo every Christmas for the las two or three years:p I love it:p
Yesterday I went shopping. Not any kind of shopping; Christmas-shopping. Or that was the intention:p Me and Eli ended up eating food and shopping mostly for ourselves:p Of course we got some presents, but I'll have to go back and shop more this week:p
What I've discovered, to my horror, is that there is no christmas calendar on the tv here:s Lucky for me, I forsaw this, and got "the Julekalender":p I can't wait to watch the first episode tomorrow!! I was really close to breaking down and watching it yesterday, but I pulled myself together and stayed strong!
Now there is only three weeks left before the holidays, but lucky me, have to catch my plane the day before and will miss both of the days. AND if that wasn't enough! My brother is coming over from Norway and we're going to Belfast the sunday before and we'll stay there 'til tuesday! that means I'll only be at school that wednesday, and wednesday is my short day!! HAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!! CAN'T WAIT!!:p

18 days left!

25 days left!!

torsdag 27. november 2008


Yesterday my English class went to London, myself included:p We went to the most boring conference I've ever been to, with the most boring people I've ever heard. They tortured us for four hours befor miss Johnson and mrs Gwillim let us run free in London. We got to travel on the underground in the rush time, shop in oxford street and look at the funny cabs (one of them had cow pattern on:D). I got a really cool jacket with zippers with skeleton-stuff in:D it cost 50 pounds, but it's definitely worth it! I got two pairs of really cool socks, a book and two t-shirts^^ Day well spent, in other words:p Can't wait till I'm going back to London in January^^

21 days left!

søndag 9. november 2008

Back in England

Well... then I'm back in England, land of the egg and bacon. I'm pretty happy here, but DAMN how I miss Norway! I'm really looking forward to Christmas and can't wait to see my friends, family and dog:p
Now I'm sitting in my room, chillin'. I've just taken a shower to get the horse-smell off me. I've worked in the stable all morning (and yesterday morning) and I feel pretty beaten up:p Yesterday I even got to ride one of the horses. His name's Frank and he's HUGE!! He's also very strong and quite lively. Deckie, the horse Fleur rode, was trotting almost all the time, and mostly sideways, so I guess I can't complain. I got a few metres of canter because Frank thought trotting was boring and I can't say I didn't enjoy it without lying^^
Talk to you later!!

39 days left;)

lørdag 18. oktober 2008


When you move to a new country, there's no telling what can happen^^ I have actually got a job in the weekends now (Yes, I now it's to do with horses, but it's paid DAMN YOU!) and I have pierced my second eyebrow. I'm crossing my fingers that this will actually stay there so that I won't have a scar on both sides:p
Now it's saturday, that is to say a weekend, which means I would normally be asleep seeing it's only 11.48 am, but I'm well awake and clean after taking a shower when I got home from work (which means mucking stables and filling hay nets). This I just wrote to show how... changed I am:p I'm sort of going from a G-person (B-person doesn't quite cover me:p) to an A-person:p
And, it being saturday, it's only 6 days (counting today since it's so early:p (I have to repeat it:P)) till I'm coming home^^ Thursday I'm landing in Trondheim and I can't wait to see people again!

søndag 12. oktober 2008

Father Ted


torsdag 9. oktober 2008

This is England

Well... after... let's see...5 and a half week here, I'm getting used to the language and differences between Norway and England. Going over here I was really nervous about the left side-stuff, but that was surprisingly easy. My school is really nice, apart from some people of course, and I'm really happy here. My family, consisting of Alison, Darryl, Ellen, Jess, Polly and Scruff (last one a dog) is the most friendly bunch of people I have EVER met^^ I've felt at home since day one:)
Starting to miss people a little bit though. But give it two weeks and I'll be popping up when you least expect it in Norway^^

fredag 15. august 2008


I just got home from bowling with my friends and I lost tremendously. And I'm wondering why? Why do I suck at bowling? I know I haven't played much in my life, but I should at least get through one round without a gutterball (miss both tries). I had more than one of those tonight. Why is some people really suckish starting out and some quite good? couldn't all be semi-good and then develop into crap or champions? that would be fair.
but it's fun anyway^^

onsdag 30. juli 2008

Flogging Molly

I seriously don't know what I would've done without Flogging Molly. I love these seven musicians. their songs are both cheerful and sad. if you want to be happy, they make you happy, if you want to be a bit sad, they make you sad. They're perfect in every situation. So, seek up some songs and start listening!!

søndag 27. juli 2008


So basically this LAN is gonna last till tomorrow sometime^^ and I don't play video games. so it might, just might, become a little bit boring^^ 'cause it's only so much you can do on the internet really. after two nights I think I'll have puched it to the boundries. but here's where youtube comes in^^ And a bloke named Bill Bailey^^ this fantastic british comedian has entertained me for more than two hours^^ thank you, Bill Bailey!!:D
now. as it is normal curtesy to sleep when the clock has passed 3 am, I'll leave it with this^^ have a splendid night^^

lørdag 26. juli 2008


Jess, da e d lørdag å helhælgslan^^ har såve masse allerede dessværre. enn å kast bort dyrebar ti på å såv? Bah, Humbug :P har nættopp vært på butikken å kjøpt nye rasjona å e klar fårr ei ny natt^^

torsdag 19. juni 2008


And now it's finally here! SUMMER!!! No more school for weeks!! and because I'm going to Norfolk, I won't have to start school until 1. september! Jeez I'm happy!! more than two months without school! I love these prospects^^ So now all I got to do is try to improve my math skills and finish a small mountain of books I've wanted to read for years. But most important: HAVE FUN!! Hope every one gets a wonderful summer from day one!!


Okay... Since I'm going to England in... let's see... 72 days I figured I would need some practise^^ Therefore the blog has turned ENGLISH!!! WOHO!!! There will of course be some Norwegian littering the language, but hey! We can't all be perfect!^^
As I'm writing this, I'm sitting on my room and it's 07.25 am local time. at 09.00 am my last day at school in Norway before leaving for Norfolk starts, and I haven't slept since 11.00 am yesterday^^ I'm a bit... tired, as you would imagine, but disturbingly non-sleepy. If I lay down, I'd be dreaming befor you could find something to poke me with, but I'm not feeling sleepy at all.^^

Saturday me and my family are leaving Norway to spend a whole week in Barcelona. I would rather have gone with my band to Oslo, and gone to a festival where several of my favourite bands are playing, but now I'm looking forward to it. The only thing bothering me is the heat. I'm a person who prefers black clothes... and in sunny Barcelona, that ain't a good thing. 'Cause one thing I can't stand is heat. But I'll guess I'll survive a week there^^

Will most likely be posting more stuff before saturday, so wtyt;)

fredag 13. juni 2008

Muntlig eksamen

For en og en halv time siden sto jeg i Vestibylen på skolen. Jeg var utrolig nervøs. Hele første klasse sto der og lyttet intenst til en av de som jobber på skolen. Han leste opp hvem som skulle opp i muntlig. Selvfølgelig håpte alle å slippe. Da han annonserte at C og D ikke skulle opp i noen fag, tror jeg trommehinnene hans sprakk. Alle eleve som slapp muntlig hylte og jublet. Så nå har jeg teknisk sett sommerferie:) skal bare møte opp å få karakterene mine^^ Så good summer to every one and see some of you in England;)

onsdag 11. juni 2008


I dag syklet jeg hele veien opp en bakke, opp enda en bakke, ned en bakke, bortover en flate og helt fram til inngangen på sats. med meg hadde jeg treningsklær og sko. samt drikkeflaske og annet nødvendig tilbehør. Jeg gikk inn døra i den hensikt å trene visse komponenter som kalles muskler.  etter en times trening med en venninne, skulle jeg sykle hjem igjen. Men da jeg så skulle sykle hjem igjen, oppdaget jeg at nøklene mine lå hjemme. Sint og forbannet bar jeg sykkelen min hjem langs den sterkt trafikkerte veien. Jeg er fremdeles forundret over at ingen stoppet meg der jeg gikk. Jeg hadde nemlig ingen sykkelhjelm som viste at jeg syklet. for alle og en hver må det ha sett ut som om jeg stjal sykkelen^^ Vil bare si takk til alle som ikke politianmeldte meg:) Luvv jah^^

mandag 9. juni 2008

08.06.09 Jehei!! oppstart^^

Ok... Fordi dette er min første blog aner jeg ikke hva jeg skal skrive... Er "litt" overtrøtt nå så jeg sliter med å sitte stille^^ Var på lan i et partytelt i hagen til en venn fra fredag til søndag så jeg har sovet "litt" lite og dårlig i helgen^^ Kan jo begynne med å fortelle hva jeg har gjort i dag da. Var på skolen, men det mest fornuftige vi gjorde der var å spise is i naturfagstimen^^ etter skolen dro jeg hjem og spiste brownies med lillesøsteren min. Med mildere sukkerkick og "litt" søvnmangel angrep jeg rommet mitt med liv og lyst^^ Rommet mitt har sett ut som et minefelt i en måned eller noe sånt nå, så CDen "Within a Mile of Home" spilte gjennom i hvert fall 5 ganger før jeg endelig var ferdig og nok en gang hadde plass til PCen min der inne^^ så nå sitter jeg på et nesten for ryddig rom og ser filmer på youtube^^ er så overtrøtt at jeg sannsynligvis ikke for sove så blir nok her hele natta;)
Men avslutter dette her nå. så me talast!!!